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Current Research Projects
SmartFood (2027)
Autenticidad de semillas, harinas y
elaborados en polvo/texturizados de
cereales, leguminosas y frutos secos con
imágenes hiperespectrales y métodos de
aprendizaje automático. | UVigo | Website
InTaGeR (2025)
Innovación docente en Tecnología de Alimentos y Gestión de Residuos | Website
Current Research
In Revision
Under review
- Phycotoxins, Food Risks and Machine Learning Models for Predicting Harmful Algae Blooms in EU waters (Collaboration).
- A different approach based on machine learning to model oil extraction for Jatropha curcas L. seeds (Thesis)
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- Artificial neural network applications and challenges in the food industry.
- Evaluation of the performance of different models based on machine learning for the prediction of the oil-extracted yield from bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) seeds (Thesis).
- Application of machine learning techniques to model quality parameters in heat-treated chicken breast (TFG).
In Progress
- Machine learning modeling using significant risk factors for type 1 diabetes in Bangladesh (Internship research).
- Identification of pistachios varieties, based on the fatty acid footprint, using machine learning (INVESTIGO).
- Machine learning for oil extraction from bitter gourd seeds (INVESTIGO).
- Seed morphology for taxonomic classification by artificial intelligence algorithms (Postdoctoral stay).
- Machine learning models based on Quantitative Structure−Activity Relationship to predict ready biodegradability of chemicals (TFG).
- Oil extraction model for Azadirachta indica A. juss in different solvents (Thesis).
The Journey

- Machine Learning to Forecast Airborne Parietaria Pollen in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula. Sustainability, 2025, 17(4), 1528.
- Machine Learning Models to Classify Shiitake Mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) According to Their Geographical Origin Labeling. Foods, 2024, 13(17), 2656.
- Crecemento económico e contaminación, unha aproximación dende a aprendizaxe automática in Proxectos INOU 2023. Investigación aplicada na provincia de Ourense, 2024


- Benefits, toxicity and current market of cannabidiol in edibles. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, 2024493.
- Machine Learning to Predict the Adsorption Capacity of Microplastics. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13 (6), 1061.
- Assessment of different machine learning methods for reservoir outflow forecasting. Water, 2023, 15 (19), 3380.
- Modelling Polyphenol Extraction through Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction by Machine Learning in Olea europaea Leaves. Foods, 2023, 12 (24), 4483.
- Global solar irradiation, modelling and prediction using machine learning models for their potential use in renewable energy applications. Mathematics, 2021, 210(24), 4746.
- Comparison of machine learning techniques for reservoir outflow forecasting. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022, 22 (12), 3859-3874.
- Cyclodextrins inclusion complex: Preparation methods, analytical techniques and food industry applications. Food Chemistry, 2022, 384, 132467.


- Machine Learning Applied to the Oxygen-18 Isotopic Composition, Salinity and Temperature/Potential Temperature in the Mediterranean Sea. Mathematics, 2021, 2523.
- Modelling and Prediction of Monthly Global Irradiation Using Different Prediction Models. Energies, 2021, 2332.
- Metal and metalloid profile as a fingerprint for traceability of wines under any Galician protected designation of origin. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2021, 104043
- Synthesis of advanced biobased green materials from renewable biopolymers. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2021, 29, 100436.
- Recent advances in the extraction of polyphenols from eggplant and their application in foods. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021,146, 111381.
- Essential Oils as Antimicrobials in Crop Protection. Antiobiotics, 2021, 10, 34.
- Inclusion of seaweeds as healthy approach to formulate new low-salt meat products. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2021, 40, 20-25.
2020 and earlier
- Random forest, artificial neural network, and support vector machine models for honey classification. eFood, 2020, 1 (1), 69-76.
- Stability assessment of extracts obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits in powder and solution systems using machine-learning methodologies. Food Chemistry, 2020, 127460.
- Valorization of by-products from olive oil industry and added-value applications for innovative functional foods. Food research International, 2020, 137, 109683.
- Value-Added Compound Recovery from Invasive Forest for Biofunctional Applications: Eucalyptus Species as A Case Study. Molecules, 2020, 25(18), 4227.
- Humulus lupulus L. as a Natural Source of Functional Biomolecules. Applied Sciences 2020. 10 (15), 5074.
- Pomegranate peel as suitable source of high-added value bioactives: tailored functionalized meat products. Molecules, 2020, 25(12), 2859.
- Latest developments in the application of cyclodextrin host-guest complex in beverage technology processes. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 106, 105882.
- Prediction models to control aging time in red wine. Molecules, 2019, 24 (5), 826.
- Assessment of neural networks and time series analysis to forecast airborne Parietaria pollen presence in the Atlantic coastal regions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2019, 1-11.
- Influence of B-Cyclodextrins upon the Degradation of Carbofuran Derivatives under Alkaline Conditions. Journal of Pesticides and Biofertilizers, 2018, 2 (2), 1-4.
- Geochemical signatures of the groundwaters from Ourense thermal springs, Galicia, Spain. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 2018
- Modelling and optimization of biogenic synthesis of gold nanoparticles from leaf extract of Swertia chirata using artificial neural network. Journal of Cluster Science, 2018, 29, 1151-1159.
- Approach of different properties of alkylammonium surfactants using artificial intelligence and response surface methodology. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2017, 54, 132-140.
- Improved 1,3-propanediol production with maintained physical conditions and optimized media composition: Validation with statistical and neural approach. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 126, 109-117
- Electrical percolation of AOT-based microemulsions of n-alcohols. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 215, 18-23.
- Airborne castanea pollen forecasting model for ecological and allergological implementation. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 548-549, 110-121.
- Application of transit data analysis and artificial neural network in the prediction of discharge of Lor River, NW Spain. Water Science & Technology, 2016, 73 (7), 1756-1767.
- Comparison between developed models using response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) with the purpose to optimize Oligosaccharide Mixtures Production from Sugar Beet Pulp. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 92, 290–299.
- Alternative method to predict activity coefficients at infinite dilution of hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions using Artificial Neural Network. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 3 (6), 1073-1082.
- A model to forecast the risk periods of plantago pollen allergy by using the ann methodology. Aerobiologia, 2015, 31 (2), 201-211.
- Identification of relevant phytochemical constituents for characterization and authentication of tomatoes by Generalized Linear Model linked to Automatic Interaction Detection (GLM-AID) and Artificial Neural Network models (ANNs). PLOS ONE, 2015, 1-18.
- Influence prediction of alkylamines upon electrical percolation of AOT-based microemulsions using artificial neural networks. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2015, 6, 473-476.
- Forecasting olea airborne pollen concentration by means of artificial intelligence. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24 (12b), 4574-4580
- Cleavage of carbofuran and carbofuran-derivatives in self-assembly colloid systems. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, 2015, 40 (2), 105-118.
- Density, viscosity and refractive index prediction of binary and ternary mixtures systems of ionic liquid. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 3 (4), 972-986.
- Percolative Behavior Models Based On Artificial Neural Networks For Electrical Percolation Of Aot Microemulsions In The Presence Of Crown Ethers. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2014, 51 (6), 533-540.
- Prediction of the Penetration of Drugs by Artificial Neural Networks. IEEE art. no. 6615859
- Percolation threshold of AOT microemulsions with n-alkyl acids as additives prediction by means of artificial neural networks. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2013, 50 (5), 360-368.
- Predicting critical micelle concentration values of non-ionic surfactants by using artificial neural networks. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2013, 50 (2), 118-124.
- Esters flash point prediction using artificial neural networks. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2013, 34(5), 355-359.
- Predicción de la temperatura superior de disolución crítica mediante redes neuronales artificiales. Revista Iberoamericana de polímeros, 2012, 13(6), 295-306
- Relative Permittivity of Carbon Dioxide + Ethanol Mixtures prediction by means of Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Mediterranean Chemistry, 2012, 2(1), 388-400.
- Influence prediction of small organic molecules (ureas and thioureas) upon electrical percolation of AOT-based microemulsions using artificial neural networks. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2012, 49, 316-320.
- Prediction of surface tension of alcohol + water solutions using artificial neural networks. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 5, 221-231.
- N-Alkylamines-Based Micelles Aggregation Number Determination by Fluorescence Techniques. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2011, 40 (12), 2072-2081.
- Dyes and biomimetic systems. Detergency and food industry. CyTA Journal of Food, 2011, 9 (4), 252-256.
- Artificial intelligence for electrical percolation of AOT-based microemulsions prediction. Tenside, Surfactants, Detergents, 2011, 48 (6), 477-483.
- Prediction of water temperature in a small river using multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 10 (8), 1608-2615.
- Ciclodextrinas y su aplicación en la tecnología alimentaria. Industria Alimentaria, 2011, 45-46.
- Basic degradation of 3-keto-carbofuran in the presence of non-ionic self-assembly colloids. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20 (2), 354-357.
- Influence of anionic and nonionic micelles upon hydrolysis of 3-hydroxy-carbofuran. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2011, 43 (8), 402-408.
- Multilayer perceptron neural network for flow prediction. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13 (1), 35-41.
- Alkalinefading of triarylmethyl carbocations in self-assembly microheterogeneous media. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, 2011, 36 (2), 139-165.
- The use of artificial neural networks to forecast biological atmospheric allergens or pathogens only as Alternaria spores. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2010, 12 (11), 2145-2152.
- Artificial neural networks: A promising tool to evaluate the authenticity of wine. CyTA Journal of Food, 2010, 8 (1), 79-86.
- Prediction of ethene + oct-1-ene copolymerization ideal conditions using artificial neuron networks. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2010, 55 (9), 3542-3547.
- Factors controlling flavors binding constants to cyclodextrins and their applications in foods. Food Research International, 2010, 43 (4), 1212-1218.
- Influence of colloid suspensions of humic acids on the alkaline hydrolysis of N-methyl-N-nitroso-p-toluene sulfonamide. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2010, 42 (5), 316-322.
- Evaluation of atmospheric Poaceae pollen concentration using a neural network applied to a coastal Atlantic climate region. Neural Networks, 2010, 23 (3), 419-425.
- Cyclodextrin-surfactant mixed systems as reaction media. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, 2010, 35 (2), 105-129.
- A review on the use of cyclodextrins in foods. Food Hydrocolloids, 2009, 23 (7), 1631-1640.
- Sorption behaviour of arsenic by iron and aluminium-oxides-coated quartz particles. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2008, 17 (12 A), 2122-2125.
- Influence of colloid suspensions of humic acids upon the alkaline fading of carbocations. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008, 21 (7-8), 555-560.
- Organic reactivity in AOT-stabilized microemulsions. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, 2008, 33 (1), 81-97.
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