Impact indices and information sources


Citations in 2024

Citations until 2023

h index

Current projects

European projects

  • Red de Investigación e Innovación para el área alimentaria en la región transfronteriza | UVigo | NET4FOOD (2025)
  • Unravelling the potential of the wheat microbiome for the development of healthier, more sustainable and resilient wheat-derived food & feed products | UVigo | WHEATBIOME (2026)
  • Alternative PROteins from MIcrobial fermentation of non-conventional SEA sources for Next Generation food, feed and non-food bio-based applications | UVigo | PROMISEANG (2027)

National projects

Regional projects

Current research



Minor/major revisions

Under review

  • Machine learning models to classify Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) according to their geographical origin labelling (INVESTIGO). 
  • Phycotoxins, Food Risks and Machine Learning Models for Predicting Harmful Algae Blooms in EU waters.
  • Crecemento económico e contaminación, unha aproximación dende a aprendizaxe automática (INOU project).


  • Oil extraction modelling from Jatropha curcas L. in ethanol medium (Thesis)
  • Application of machine learning techniques to model quality parameters in heat-treated chicken breast (TFG)

Close to submit

  • Artificial neural network applications and challenges in the food industry.
  • Evaluation of the performance of different models based on machine learning for the prediction of the oil-extracted yield from bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) seeds (Thesis)

In progress

  • Machine learning modeling using significant risk factors for type 1 diabetes in Bangladesh (Internship research)
  • Identification of pistachios varieties, based on the fatty acid footprint, using machine learning (INVESTIGO).
  • Machine learning for oil extraction from bitter gourd seeds (INVESTIGO)
  • Seed morphology for taxonomic classification by artificial intelligence algorithms (Postdoctoral stay).
  • Machine learning models based on Quantitative Structure−Activity Relationship to predict ready biodegradability of chemicals (TFG).
  • Oil extraction model for Azadirachta indica A. juss in different solvents (Thesis).
  • Machine learning to forecast airborne Parietaria pollen in the Atlantic Spanish regions (Thesis).

Publications in recent years




2020 and earlier