Students at IES Valadares explore degrees in Facultade de Ciencias
On Wednesday, 74 first- and second-year science students from IES Valadares in Vigo visited the Faculty of Sciences at the Ourense campus. During the visit, they explored the three undergraduate programs offered (Agricultural Engineering, Food Science and Technology, and Environmental Sciences) and the available master’s programs (Nutrition, and Agro-Food and Environmental Science and Technology). Guided by María Fernández and María José Pérez, members of the faculty’s dean’s team and academic staff, the students toured the laboratories of Biochemistry, Aerobiology, Microbiology, and Chemical Engineering, and learned about the research conducted there. The visit coincided with the release of the Highly Cited Researchers (HCRs) ranking by Clarivate, which includes Mirian Pateiro, Rubén Domínguez, and Jesús Simal, prominent researchers trained at this faculty.
To find out more details, you can read the full news in DUVI.
Picture from DUVI.